Mission: Organized TWO days later

Well I made a mission for myself: Organize scrapbooking stickers. Mission impossible you ask? For me, I have nothing BUT time. I don't have children and I don't like doing things outside the home :D

Warning: If you plan to do this, give yourself at least 3-4 hours. It took me a couple of days, but I am very meticulous. Like 8 hour meticulous. I suppose it depends on how big your own supply is too.

Recommendations: I TOTALLY recommend buying a lot of baseball card plastic holders. I started out with the 8 x 11 page protectors but found everything slips and falls. Good thing Derek has a bazillion hockey/baseball card protectors that I could steal from. I probably used 95% card protectors (for all the small pieces) and 5% page protectors (for the larger).

Some of my work:

(baseball card protectors)

Larger pieces in page protectors:

In the end, I filled 4 large binders.

The end result:

I ended up with the following categories:

Animals/Pets, Christmas, Baby, Fashion, Hearts/Love, Flowers/Nature, Parties, Sports, Wedding

Let me tell you, I am thrilled with the work I did :D Now I can see everything. I am an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of girl and I can't wait to set aside some time to do a little scrapbooking!

Seriously though, I am NOT looking forward to the paper portion *Yuck*


Char said…
Looks soooooooo good! Makes me wish I was crafty.
Do you still sell your awesome cards?
Anonymous said…
Awesome! You are an organization queen! :)
Derek said…
That is crazy organized!!! I organize my PS3 and Xbox games in a drawer....That is pretty good right?
Char, I am always making cards. :)

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